Abraxasen historia ezaguna eta ezezaguna

Idatzia: Peter Vermeeren



Irakurtzeko garaia 12 minutu

Spirits have been an important part of many cultures and belief systems throughout history. They are often associated with supernatural powers and abilities, and many people believe that they can influence our lives in various ways. In this article, we will explore the positive powers of Abraxas, a spiritual entity that has been revered for centuries for its protective and empowering qualities. We will also discuss the ring of Abraxas and the amulet of Abraxas, two powerful talismans that can help you harness the positive energies of this spiritual entity.

Zer dira Izpirituak eta beren botereak?

Spirits are entities that are believed to exist beyond the physical realm. They are often associated with supernatural powers and abilities, and many people believe that they can influence our lives in various ways. Some spirits are thought to bring good luck, prosperity, and protection, while others are believed to be malevolent and harmful.

Espiritu kontzeptua munduko kultura askotan aurkitzen da. Afrikako tradizioetan, adibidez, arbasoek beren ondorengoen bizitzan eragiteko gaitasuna dutela uste da. Amerikako natiboen kulturetan, izpirituak naturarekin lotuta daude eta sendatzeko eta babesteko ahalmena dutela uste da.

Abraxasen botere positiboak:

Abraxas mendeetan zehar bere botere positiboengatik ospea izan den entitate espirituala da. Abraxas izena grezierazko "abraxan" hitzetik dator, hau da, "bedeinkatu" esan nahi du. Abraxas sarritan irudikatu ohi da, oilar baten burua eta suge baten gorputza duen irudi humanoide gisa. Honek gauza guztietan dagoen ongiaren eta gaizkiaren, argiaren eta iluntasunaren bikoiztasuna sinbolizatzen du.

Abraxasek botere sorta bat duela uste da, babesa, sendatzea eta ahalduntzea barne. Many people believe that Abraxas can help them overcome obstacles and achieve success in their endeavors. Abraxas is also associated with the concept of balance, as it is believed to help individuals find harmony between opposing forces in their lives.

Abraxasen eraztuna:

The Abraxasen eraztuna is a powerful talisman that is believed to harness the positive energies of this spiritual entity. The ring is often inscribed with symbols and sigils that are associated with Abraxas, and it is thought to provide protection, empowerment, and good luck to the wearer.

Jende askok janzten du Abraxasen eraztuna espirituen botere positiboetan duten fedearen eta sinesmenaren sinbolo gisa. Eraztunak ere erabiltzen duenaren kontzientzia espirituala eta intuizioa hobetzeko gaitasuna duela uste da, bizitzako erronketan hobeto nabigatzeko aukera emanez.

Abraxaseko amuletoa:

The Abraxasen amuletoa is another powerful talisman that is associated with this spiritual entity. The amulet is often made from precious metals and stones, and it is believed to provide protection, healing, and empowerment to the wearer.

Jende askok eramaten du Abraxasen amuletoa haiekin uneoro izpirituen energia positiboekin duten loturaren sinbolo gisa. Uste da amuletak energia negatiboak uxatzeko eta eramaten duena kalteetatik babesteko gaitasuna duela. Erabiltzailearen sormena, intuizioa eta kontzientzia espirituala hobetzen dituela uste da.

Nola erabili Abraxasen eraztuna eta amuletoa:

If you are interested in harnessing the positive energies of Abraxas, there are a few things you can do to maximize the benefits of the ring and amulet.

Lehenik eta behin, garrantzitsua da zure asmoa ezartzea. Pentsatu zer lortu nahi duzun edo zure bizitzako zein arlo hobetu nahi duzun. Eraztuna edo amuletoa janzten edo eramaten duzun bitartean asmo honetan zentratu.

Bigarrenik, garrantzitsua da eraztuna edo amuletoa gorputzetik gertu edukitzea. Honek egun osoan zehar Abraxaseko energia positiboekin konektatuta egoten lagunduko dizu

Hirugarrenik, eraztuna edo amuletoa meditaziorako foku gisa erabil dezakezu. Hartu une batzuk egunero talismanaren sinboloan edo zigiluan zentratzeko, eta utzi Abraxas-en energia positiboekin konektatzeko.

Laugarrenik, eraztuna edo amuletoa erabil dezakezu errituetan edo zeremonietan. Jende askok talisman hauek erabiltzen ditu praktika espiritualetan, hala nola otoitzean edo meditazioan, eremu espiritualarekin duten konexioa hobetzeko.

Abraxasen eraztuna eta amuletoa erabiltzearen abantailak:

Abraxasen eraztuna eta amuletoa erabiltzeak onura asko izan ditzake. Gehien jakinarazitako onura batzuk hauek dira:

  • Babes: Abraxasen eraztunak eta amuletoak energia negatiboen eta kalteen aurkako babesa ematen duela uste da.

  • Jabekuntza: Jende askok uste du eraztuna janzteak edo amuletoa eramateak ahaldunduago eta konfiantza gehiago sentitzen lagun diezaiekeela beren gaitasunetan.

  • Kontzientzia espirituala: Abraxasen eraztunak eta amuletoak kontzientzia espirituala eta intuizioa hobetzen dituela uste da, gizabanakoak eremu espiritualarekin hobeto konektatzeko aukera emanez.

  • Sormena: Batzuek uste dute eraztuna janzteak edo amuletoa eramateak sormena areagotu eta ideia berriak sor ditzakeela.

  • Zorte on: Abraxasen eraztunak eta amuletoak zorte ona eta energia positiboa ekartzen dizkiotela uste da eramaileari.

Espirituak historian zehar kultura eta sinesmen sistema askoren parte garrantzitsua izan dira. Abraxas mendeetan zehar bere botere positiboengatik ospea izan den entitate espirituala da. Abraxasen eraztuna eta Abraxasen amuletoa entitate espiritual honen energia positiboak aprobetxatzen lagunduko dizuten bi talisman indartsuak dira.

By wearing or carrying the ring or amulet of Abraxas, you can protect yourself from negative energies, enhance your spiritual awareness, and feel more empowered and confident in your abilities. Whether you use these talismans during meditation or rituals, or simply wear them as a symbol of your faith, the positive powers of Abraxas can bring many benefits to your life. So why not explore the positive powers of Abraxas today and see what this spiritual entity can do for you?

Amulet eta Abraxasen eraztun bereziak

Zer dio historiak Abraxasi buruz

Even though there are primary documents available, such as those included in the Nag hammadi texts, Abrasax's true identity is still a mystery. For instance, the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit describes Abrasax as an aeon who resides in the light of the luminary Eleleth with Sophia and other aeons of the Pleroma Dukias together with other aeons from the Pleroma Dukias. According to a number of different texts, the luminary Eleleth is the last of the Spiritual Lights to progress, and it is the aeon Sophia, who is associated with Eleleth, who comes into contact with the darkness and becomes involved in the chain of events that leads to the rule of this world by the Demiurgoa, as well as the rescue effort that is involved. As a result, the function of the Aeons of Eleleth, which includes Abrasax, Sophia, and others, refers to the outer frontier of the Pleroma. This is the part of the Pleroma that meets the ignorance of the world and interacts to remedy the error of ignorance in the world of materiality.

Abraxas was a word with mystical importance in the doctrine of the Gnostic basilides, where it was applied to the "Great Archon," the princeps of the 365 spheres. Abraxas was represented by the letter A. In addition to being in the Greek Magical Papyrus, the term can be found in Gnostic literature such as "The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit." This piece of jewelry was fashioned from ancient jewels known as Abraxas stones, which were worn as amulets or carried as talismans. As "Abrasax"  was the original script, the "Abraxas" script appears to have originated from a mistake between the Greek letters sigma and xi in the Latin transcription of the name.

Bere izenaren zazpi letretako bakoitzak zazpi planeta tradizionaletako bat adierazteko aukera dago. Beste azalpen bat egon arren, Abracadabrarekin zerikusirik izan dezake.

In the stories of the teachings of Basilides, ancient Gnostic literature, magical traditions of the Greco-Roman world, and modern esoteric and magical publications, there are similarities and variations amongst the figures who are discussed. Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been considered both an Egiptoko jainkoa and a demon, is the subject of a wide variety of theories and interpretations. In his Gnostic treatise titled The Seven Sermons of the Dead, which was written in 1916 by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, Abraxas was described as the highest power that transcended both God and the Devil and united all opposites into a single entity.

Iturriek normalean Basilidesek berak garatu zituen teoriekin lotura zuzena erakusten ez duenez, ez dago argi zein zen Abraxasen benetako funtzioa Basilides sisteman.

Abraxak ARCHOI bat bezala

"the Unbegotten Father" is the progenitor of Nous, and of Nous Logos, and of Logos Phronesis, and of Phronesis Sophia and Dynamis, and of the principalities Sophia and Dynamis, power, and angels, the latter of which are those who create "the first heaven" in the system described by Irenaeus of Lyons. They, in turn, give birth to a second series, which ultimately results in the creation of a second heaven. The process continues in the same manner until all 365 heavens have been created, at which point the angels of the final heaven, also known as the visible heaven, become the creators of our planet. Abraxas is described as "the ruler" (principem, which likely refers to ton archonta) of all 365 heavens, and as such, he is said to have all 365 numbers within himself.

The name is cited in Hippolytus of Rome's Refutation of All Heresies (Chapter VII, Line 26), and Hippolytus of Rome appears to have followed the Exegetics of Basilides in these chapters. After describing the manifestation of the Gospels in the Ogdoad and Hebdomad, he adds that the Basilidians have a long description of the innumerable creations and powers in various "phases" of the upper world (Diastemata). In this description, they speak of 365 heavens, and they say that " his great archon" is Abrasax, because his name contains the number 365, which is the number of days in the year;

Α = 1, Β = 2, Ρ = 100, Α = 1, Σ = 200, Α = 1, Ξ = 60

Infernuko Hiztegiak dioenez, Asiako teologiako jainkoa da, eta abracadabra filakterioaren izena bere izenetik dator. Amuletoetan, Abraxas is depicted as having the head of a rooster, the feet of a dragon, and holding a whip in his hand. Demonologists imagine him to be a demonic creature with the body of a serpent and the head of a king. Basilidians, who were considered heretics throughout the 12th century, held the belief that he was their ultimate god. When it was discovered that the seven Greek letters that make up his name add up to the number 365 in Greek, which is the number of days in a year, those responsible for creating his name assigned brilliant individuals to positions of authority over each of the 365 heavens, designating one for each day of the year. Even further, the Basilidians went so far as to assert that Jesus Christ was nothing more than a spirit that had been directed toward the tower of Abraxas. They moved away from the theology that had been set forth by their leader.

Abraxak JAINKO bat bezala

It would appear that Epiphanius of Salamis, in his work titled "Adversus Haereses," follows Irenaeus on the one hand and the lost Compendium of Hippolytus on the other. He identifies Abraxas more specifically as "the power over all, the first principle," "the cause and first archetype" of everything, and he mentions that the Basilidians referred to 365 as the number of parts (mele) in the human body as well as all of the days of the year. Abraxas is designated by him as "the power over all, the first principle," "the cause and first archetype" of everything.

Tertulianoren De praescriptione haereticorum (K.a. 4) eranskinaren egileak, Hippolitoren Konpendioari ere jarraitzen dionak, zehaztasun batzuk gehitzen ditu; "Abraxas"-ek Izpiritua (nous) sortu zuela, Ireneo eta Epifanio-k zerrendatutako botere nagusien saileko lehena; mundua eta 365 zeru guztiak "Abraxas"-en omenez sortu zirela; eta Kristo ez zuela Sortzaileak bidali

There is nothing that can be learned from the oblique references made by Jerome of Stridon, according to whom "Abraxas"esan nahi"the greatest god" (De viris illustribus, ill. 21), "the greatest god" (Dialogue against the Luciferians, 23), "the mighty god" (Comm. in Amos iii. 9), and "The Lord the Creator" in the language of the Basilidians (De viris illus (Comm. in Nah. i. 11). The comments made by Theodoret (in Haer. fab. i. 4), Augustine (in Haer. 4), and 'Praedestinatus' (in i. 3) do not have any value on their own.

Because this position is not expressly stated, the author of the supplement to Tertullian has an excuse to confuse Abrasax with "the Supreme God." It is evident from these details that Abrasax was the name of the first of the 365 archons, and that he therefore ranked under Sophia and Dynamis and their progenitors. weight However, this position is not explicitly stated.

Abraxak AEON bat bezala

In ancient Gnosticism, Abraxas was a powerful and complex figure who was often depicted as an Aeon, a being of great spiritual significance. "Abraxas" izena antzinako grezierazko "abraxan" hitzetik datorrela uste da, "handiena" esan nahi duena.

Aeon gisa, Abraxas jainko indartsua zela uste zen, egia espiritual gorenak eta errealitate guztien azken iturria irudikatzen zituena. Askotan, oilarraren edo lehoi baten burua eta gizon baten gorputza zituen izaki hegodun gisa irudikatzen zen. Irudi batzuetan, látigo edo ezkutu bat eusten zuen, bere boterea eta agintea sinbolizatuz.

Abraxas ere estuki lotuta zegoen Pleroma kontzeptuarekin, gnostizismoan jainkozko botereen eta errealitate espiritualen osotasunari erreferentzia egiten diona. Gnostikoen irakaspenen arabera, Abraxas Pleroma osatzen zuten hogeita hamar eoietako bat izan zen, eta eoi guztiak elkarrekin eusten zituen indar bateratzailea irudikatzen zuen.

Aeon gisa zuen paperaz gain, dualismoaren kontzeptuarekin ere lotu zen Abraxas. Irakaspen gnostikoetan, dualismoak unibertsoa bi indar kontrajarritan banatzen den usteari egiten dio erreferentzia, bata ongia eta bestea gaizkia. Abraxas dualismo hori gainditzen zuen figura gisa ikusi zen, ongia eta gaizkia biltzen zituen errealitate espiritual gorago bat irudikatzen zuena.

Dualismoarekin lotu arren, Abraxas unibertsoari oreka eta harmonia ekarri zion figura gisa ere ikusi zen. Jainko indartsua zela uste zen, gizabanakoek gaizkiaren indarrak gainditzen eta argitasun espirituala lortzen lagun zezakeena.

Herri kulturan, Abraxas-ek hainbat hedabidetan aipatu izan du, literaturan, musikan eta zineman. Neil Gaimanen "The Sandman" komiki-sailean, Abraxas irudi indartsu eta enigmatiko gisa azaltzen da Dream pertsonaiari krisi une batean agertzen zaiona. John Fowlesen "The Magus" eleberrian, Abraxasek kontrakoen batasunaren ikur gisa aipatzen du.

Musikan ere erreferentzia izan da Abraxas, Santana rock talde alemaniarraren lanean bereziki. Taldearen 1970eko "Abraxas" diskoan gai gnostikoak eta Abraxasen figura aipatzen dituzten abesti batzuk agertzen dira, besteak beste, "Black Magic Woman" abesti arrakastatsua.

Oro har, Abraxas figura indartsu eta konplexua da, pentsamendu gnostikoen eta irakaspen espiritualen garapenean zeregin garrantzitsua izan duena. Pleromarekin, dualismoarekin eta ilustrazio espiritualarekin duen lotura egia espiritualaren eta ilustrazioaren sinbolo iraunkor bihurtu du hainbat kultura eta tradizio espiritualetan.

terra incognita school of magic

Egilea: Takaharu

Takaharu Terra Incognita Magia eskolan maisua da, Olinpiar Jainkoetan, Abraxatan eta Demonologian espezializatua. Webgune eta denda honen arduraduna ere bada eta magia eskolan eta bezeroarentzako laguntzan aurkituko duzu. Takaharuk 31 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia du magian. 

Terra Incognita magia eskola

Olinpiar Izpirituei buruz gehiago